Constitution Day was September 17th. In order to learn a little about our country, we read a Scholastic News magazine about being a good friend in our school community. I talked about how our country used to have a king and queen in charge of it but long ago the people who lived here wanted a say and chose to elect a president to help make rules and keep our country safe. I explained that at school Mrs. Wickham, our principal, was like our president. I also included the idea that she used input from us teachers about our classrooms to make our school a better place and that the teachers help our school run smoothly, just like important people in our government.
We talked about how to make our classroom a nicer place to be and came up with some great rules for center time that would help keep our classroom safe, clean, and friendly!
Rules for Center Time
Rule #1
No Fighting
Rule #2
Rule #3
Hands Off (of other people and what they are playing with!)
Rule #4
Move only your clip (to choose a new center)
Rule #5
Clean Up
Rule #6
Oops! I must have got interrupted and forgot a picture for this one! I do so LOVE to play with them too! :) These will hang up above our center chart and will be a great visual reminder of our rules that keep our classroom community safe and happy!!
Mrs. Miron's Kindergarten did this wonderful art project...

I actually had planned on doing this too and ran out of time. Later when we were in the bus line, she mentioned painting her students hands and I knew immediately that we had found the same adorable idea! :)
But you all (ya'll) got to take home this guy...
I think it was a miracle our Pete the Cat projects stayed intact on the wall, because once I took them down, we had ears and whiskers falling off all over the place! Poor Pete!! Mrs. Denman must not be as glue crazy as I am when she completed this project with the kids!!
I'll leave you with this cute Pete video!
Have a great weekend!!
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