When I said the title of this post in my head it goes to the tune of the old '90s song by the same name. I would have linked you to the music video, but this is a family blog and it's a bit too racy for my littles!! I would also like to note that while I am a child of the '90s this is by no means one of "my" songs... I'm just a nerd with an internal radio playing most of the time!
In an effort to make you all feel like a part of our classroom, I want to walk you through the different parts of our day. I will do this over a series of weeks, so keep checking back if you are interested.
Starting our day...
I put 2 red
baskets of crayons (found these at Walmart, they are actually grill baskets, score!) at each table for the kids to share. We don't use our pencil boxes until we start learning our letters and get a bit more responsible, plus they clutter the tables and can be distracting for 4-5 yr. olds. I want only the 8 basic colors in their pencil boxes so all the extra crayons we get from the easier to find 24 packs are used here and we just stack 'em up when we are done. I also have their writing journals sitting on their table spots ready to go. So far these are more of a drawing journal, but as we learn our letters and how to write the students can add beginning sounds and familiar words. For now the adults are labeling their work. We will start a new one each month. I got the packet Journals through the Year by Rachelle Smith on Teacher Pay Teachers and they have the most adorable covers!

Students stop at their lockers to hang up their things and
take out their lunch if they have one. Lunches go on their name tags. We had a little trouble in the first weeks because the kids used to put their lunches in a bin by the door and when I asked what they were having for lunch several would say "hot" when they actually had cold. Now I can quickly see who has it and mark it on the slip for our cook and we collect the lunches for the bin. I also collect any notes. Now that we have a "Friday" folder there are way less of these, which is nice. It works so much better to have my parents call the office if they are being picked up and the secretary just compiles a list. This way there is no lost sticky notes or confusion and tears at the end of the day! (Great idea, Mrs, Miron!!)
They will begin working and do this
until all the students have arrived from the late bus and have had a chance to
draw something. I walk around the room to monitor them and ask about their
pictures. The students practice staying in their seats, sharing, and using one crayon at a time. I allow them to visit at this time. I think they need a chance to get the talking out and greet their friends, just like most adults like to. That way, when I begin teaching, I can say... "You already had a turn to talk, now it's my turn!" They usually have this taking turns concept down and have an easier time focusing on me.
Next we collect the journals and the kids sit crisscross legs and popcorn ball hands (Thank you, Mrs. Moberg for that one!) around the outside edge of the large circle carpet. I go to the calendar board and trade the name card to pick a new leader and grab the flag. The leader goes around the outside of the circle and touches
each child lightly on the shoulder to count up the kids. That way we count over 20 each day, helping us get to the goal of 50 by the end of the year and practicing those confusing teen numbers! Then we talk about who
is here or not! Next, the leader stands in the middle of the circle and holds the flag. This is the cutest thing!! All the other kids stand and raise their
right hand over their head. I give them a high 5 if they get it or switch the hands of those who forgot. They take
that raised hand and put it on their hearts. We say
the pledge last and sit back down to start circle time.
This all happens in the first 25 minutes of the day! We practice the routine until it goes smooth and then. we're. off!! :)
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