Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday, Luke!!

Luke's 4th year was a fun and challenging one. While I am sad that he is growing so fast... I am excited to see what his new maturity will bring!!

He took in everything this year and his mind didn't want to stop (or his wiggly body) while he processed all the new information. Sometimes it got him in trouble and sometimes made us laugh out loud!!

He is 44 inches tall and weighs only 38 pounds. He's a skinny little thing!! :)

Here are some highlights from Luke...

His favorite foods: stick cheese, slice of cheese, raspberries, Miss Holly's pizza, cheetos, coo coo for cocoa puffs cereal, and peanut butter sandwiches

Some of his friends are: Brady, Remington, and Jaxson

He likes to go to: the cottage, Chuck E. Cheese, Cabelas, and the Children's museums in Green Bay or Marquette

 His favorite thing to do is play games at Chuck E. Cheese.

His favorite thing to do with Daddy is go to his work.

His favorite thing to with Mommy is read books and do some tricks (he LOVES Koo Koo Kangaroo dance videos on You Tube).

With Stella he loves to play little baby games and let her sit on his lap.

His favorite books are: Off to the Moon, Splat the Cat, Mickey Ready, Set, Learn,  Green Eggs and Ham, and can read the Bob books set 1 on his own!

His favorite show is: Paw Patrol and Zuma is his favorite pup.

He made up a new word this year... spectaculous, which is both fabulous and spectacular combined!

He said some very adorable things. The most recent was after we had gone to a wedding and he was very interested in who in our family was married to who, and he informed me that he was going to get married!
I said, "Oh really Luke, who are you going to marry?" (Insert an image of me mentally crossing my fingers and toes hoping he will say Mommy, because it will melt my heart!)
Luke said, "Stella" (Okay... way better answer and I did melt!!)
I said, "How come?"
and he said, " Because she is the cutest, sweetest girl."

I love his curiosity, laugh, and the way he is so patient with his sister.

His daddy loves lotsa, lotsa stuff about him!!

His sister loves to play chase with him and share his toys... she would much rather play with his then her own!

We all love his bright smile and need to have fun and go crazy once in awhile!!

He has a new love for vanilla ice cream with sprinkles... boy after my own heart!

Graduated Preschool (phew! we made it!!)

Here he is at Chuck E. Cheese.

He loves playing the ipad or any screens really!

Is a sweet little goof ball....

with a copy monster little sister...

whom he adores!

Still loves a big snuggle from his momma!!

Moved to a new house with a new friend in our yard! This was totally amazing!

Loves to sing and dance,

discover, and


Happy Birthday sweet boy!! Can't wait to see what this year has in store!!

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